Bless Split

Revolutionize Money Sharing with Bless Split

Revolutionize Money Sharing with Bless Split

Revolutionize Money Sharing with Bless Split

Revolutionize Money Sharing with Bless Split

Bless Split is not just another money-sharing tool; it's a comprehensive solution that brings a new level of efficiency and flexibility to financial transactions. Designed to seamlessly integrate into existing banking platforms, it offers a range of features that make splitting and sharing money a hassle-free experience.

Bless Split is not just another money-sharing tool; it's a comprehensive solution that brings a new level of efficiency and flexibility to financial transactions. Designed to seamlessly integrate into existing banking platforms, it offers a range of features that make splitting and sharing money a hassle-free experience.

Bless Split is not just another money-sharing tool; it's a comprehensive solution that brings a new level of efficiency and flexibility to financial transactions. Designed to seamlessly integrate into existing banking platforms, it offers a range of features that make splitting and sharing money a hassle-free experience.

Bless Split is not just another money-sharing tool; it's a comprehensive solution that brings a new level of efficiency and flexibility to financial transactions. Designed to seamlessly integrate into existing banking platforms, it offers a range of features that make splitting and sharing money a hassle-free experience.

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Key Features

Unparalleled Features for Seamless Money Sharing

Bless Split is engineered to meet the complex needs of today's financial institutions, offering a suite of features that go beyond basic money splitting.

Bless Split is engineered to meet the complex needs of today's financial institutions, offering a suite of features that go beyond basic money splitting.

Versatile Money Splitting

Whether it's for a group dinner or a joint gift, Bless Split allows for easy and quick money sharing for any occasion.

Personalized Contact Lists

Keep track of transactions with specific users through a personalized contact list, enhancing the user experience and financial oversight.

Instant & Customizable Transfers

Choose between equal or custom splitting options and send personalized messages or content. Transfers are instant, making financial interactions smooth and efficient.

Why Choose

Why Bless Split Stands Out

Why Bless Split Stands Out

Bless Split isn't just a feature; it's a strategic advantage. By offering a user-friendly yet powerful money-sharing solution, financial institutions can not only enhance user engagement but also open new revenue streams.

Bless Split isn't just a feature; it's a strategic advantage. By offering a user-friendly yet powerful money-sharing solution, financial institutions can not only enhance user engagement but also open new revenue streams.

Quick Splits

Enable users to quickly split bills or shared costs, increasing platform engagement.


Intuitive design ensures a user-friendly experience, increasing overall platform satisfaction.


Offer users the ability to customize their money-sharing experience, from contact lists to split ratios.

Instant Transfers

Real-time money transfers make it convenient for users, increasing transaction volumes.

Custom Tailor

Banking Customization

At Bless, we offer a unique 4-stage process to create customized banking solutions using our Ready-Made Solutions that perfectly align with your business needs and customer expectations. From in-depth research to real-time deployment, our approach ensures that you get a tailored, efficient, and user-friendly application. This process allows us to deliver cutting-edge solutions that not only meet but exceed market demands.

At Bless, we offer a unique 4-stage process to create customized banking solutions using our Ready-Made Solutions that perfectly align with your business needs and customer expectations. From in-depth research to real-time deployment, our approach ensures that you get a tailored, efficient, and user-friendly application. This process allows us to deliver cutting-edge solutions that not only meet but exceed market demands.

$105 Billion

TAM of BAAS by 2030

🔎 Research

In the first stage, we dig deep into your customer base and target audience. We gather important data to make sure the app we tailor meets real needs.

🎨 Design

Next, we use the research to start designing the system. We focus on making the UI/UX easy and engaging. The design will also match your business goals.

bottomNavigationBar: const SizedBox(height: 70),
            body: GetX<ExploreController>(
                init: ExploreController(),
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                                      setState(() {});
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                                    indicatorColor: selectIndex == 0
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                                    labelStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 12, fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,fontFamily: FontFamily.urbanist),
                                    labelColor: selectIndex == 0
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                                          text: AllStrings.featured,
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                                          icon: Image.asset(ImageAssets.trendingIcon,
                                              scale: 2, color: selectIndex == 1 ? AllColors.lightRedColor : null)),
                                          text: AllStrings.nearby,
                                          icon: Image.asset(ImageAssets.nearbyIcon, scale: 2, color: selectIndex == 2 ? AllColors.greenColor : null)),
                                          text: AllStrings.recent,
                                              Image.asset(ImageAssets.recentIcon, scale: 2, color: selectIndex == 3 ? AllColors.purpleColor : null))

💻 Development

Now, we start developing the tailored app using our ready made solutions. We also add any features you choose, using our white-labeling banking as a service.

Create engagement


Your App is now available on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

🏛️ Deployment

Finally, we test the app to make sure it works well. Then, we launch it for your customers to use right away. We keep an eye on how it's doing and make changes if needed.


Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that adopting a new feature is a significant decision. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about Bless Split to help you make an informed choice.

How secure is Bless Split?

Can Bless Split integrate with our existing systems?

What customization options are available?

Is there a limit on the number of transactions?

Ready to Transform Your Financial Services?

Don't miss out on the future of banking. Contact us today to implement cutting-edge solutions tailored for your business needs.

Ready to Transform Your Financial Services?

Don't miss out on the future of banking. Contact us today to implement cutting-edge solutions tailored for your business needs.

Ready to Transform Your Financial Services?

Don't miss out on the future of banking. Contact us today to implement cutting-edge solutions tailored for your business needs.

Ready to Transform Your Financial Services?

Don't miss out on the future of banking. Contact us today to implement cutting-edge solutions tailored for your business needs.